Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The House Witch by Delemhach


Fin Ashowan has just arrived at the castle in Daxaria where he has been hired to be the new cook.  Fin is an excellent cook but takes control the minute he arrives and puts up the back of the other servants and the knights who like to hang out in the kitchen.  He makes it clear that the kitchen is his domain and no one is allowed that he doesn't approve of.  Fin is a house witch and he doesn't like others to know that.  When someone knows you are a witch, they expect that you will be able to help them whenever they are ill or in a fix and sometimes no one can help.  

Soon Fin is in command and making progress.  Everyone loves his food.  He is able to start teaching the knights how real men behave, not the boorish behavior they are used to.  He doesn't get along with the royal mage as witches and mages are like oil and water but each agrees to stay out of the other's way.  Fin also meets a Viscountess that he immediately is drawn to and soon loves wholeheartedly but a member of the royalty and a cook are not a romantic pairing that would ever be allowed.  

All is not good however.  War is threatening and his Viscountess is in danger as a spy for the country.  The Queen is pregnant and has a long history of miscarriages and Fin saves her life one night when another threatens.  Soon the King is using Fin and his magic as a resource and perhaps the love affair will work out.  Who knows?

This is my first work by Delemhach who is a Canadian author.  The work is humorous and a romance fantasy so light and enjoyable.  Fin can't believe in his powers or his ability to make others' lives better but as the days go by, he starts to realize his power and the gift of the chosen family he makes in Daxaria.  The only thing I didn't care for was the abrupt ending that left everything up in the air with the main plot points unsettled until the reader gets the next book.  This work is recommended for fantasy readers.

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