Tuesday, January 2, 2024

IQ by Joe Ide


Sometimes life throws you a whammy.  That happened to Isaiah Quintabe, known as IQ.  He was a typical teenager, living with his big brother and headed for a full ride college scholarship because he was bright as the sun.  Then his brother was killed in a hit and run accident.  IQ fell apart.  He dropped out of school and while trying to figure out how to make the rent and feed himself, even fell into crime for a while with an acquaintance named Dodson.  But when a gang war left a young boy orphaned and brain damaged, IQ pulled himself together and went straight.

He realized that he wanted to help others.  IQ became a private detective helping those around him.  Been bamboozled by a con man?  IQ can find him and get your money back.  Rebellious teen gone missing?  IQ was your man.  He took whatever his clients could afford to pay him.  

But now IQ has a shot at some real money.  Dodson is doing better these days and he has heard of a situation that would be perfect for IQ.  One of the best rappers in LA is holed up in his house after an attempt on his life.  Who was trying to kill him?  Was it his vengeful ex-wife?  Another rapper who is jealous of his success?  Someone he dissed on his way to the top?  IQ starts the investigation and soon encounters the guy who has been hired to carry out the murder.  He is a stone cold man who raises pit bulls to attack and kill, a man who now has IQ's life in his bullseye.  Can IQ solve the case before he is killed himself?

Joe Ide grew up in the same neighborhoods he writes about in this novel.  He had a varied career before starting to write crime novels and his IQ series has been a great success.  The book moves between IQ's current case and his backstory which is fascinating.  IQ's intelligence and loyalty to his friends makes him an admirable character and readers will be ready for more of his adventures once they finish this case.  This book is recommended for mystery readers.

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