Friday, October 11, 2024

The Engine House by Rhys Dylan


DCI Evan Warlow has recently retired from his job as a detective in Wales.  He anticipates lots of long walks with his dog and time to relax and catch up on all the things he had to put aside during his career.  He's sure he will miss it as he was very good at his job but retirement comes to everyone lucky enough to get that far.  

One unsolved case nags at him.  Seven years ago, a couple set out on a walk on the coastal trail.  They disappeared during that walk and Warlow and his team were never able to discover where they were or what happened that day.  It's the unsolved cases that live in a policeman's head.

Now, suddenly, a break.  A landslide happens on the cliffs and left in the crevice were the skeletons of the couple.  They had been killed by bludgeoning with a hammer and stuffed down in a crevice.  Warlow's old boss calls and asks if he will come back and help the new DCI, Jess Allenby, with her first major case since he knows it best.  Warlow reluctantly agrees as he is still curious and wants to know what happened.  Can he and the new DCI solve the case?

Rhys Dylan is a Welsh author.  This is the first book in his series about DCI Evan Warlow

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