Friday, October 4, 2024

Elektra by Jennifer Saint


Elektra is the daughter of King Agamemnon and Queen Clytemnestra.  When the king calls for all Greek men to come together to go rescue Helen from the man in Troy who kidnapped her, a thousand ships are needed to carry them all.  The war is expected to be short but ends up taking ten years.  Clytemnestra spends that decade plotting what she will do when the King returns as he performed an act of betrayal before he left.  It was an act that negates their marriage and her love for him.

When Agamemnon returns, the next act plays out.   Clytemnestra has spent her time with another man, Agamemnon's cousin, whose father he killed to gain the throne. He returns with Cassandra who knows the future but is cursed that no one believes her.   Now Clytemnestra takes her ultimate revenge and her children are placed at risk.   Her son is spirited away to safety while Elektra marries a commoner to escape the palace.

Jennifer Saint grew up interested in Greek mythology.  She was a teacher when she wrote her first novel Adriane which is the story of the Minotaur.  This was her second novel and since this, she has written several more novels all based in mythology and the stories many are familiar with.  In this one, she gives the reader insight into the House of Atreus and retells the story of the Trojan War.  Elektra is not a main character until part three when her story of her hatred for her mother and her adoration of her father is told.  I listened to this novel and the narrator did a great job, her accent adding to the reading.  This book is recommended for historical fiction readers and those interested in mythology.

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