Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Editor by Steven Rowley


James Smale grew up in a repressed household, never sure if he fit. His father spent a lot of time with James' brother who was a replica of himself but had little time for James whose interests were more in literature and art than woodworking and sports.  When the two older children grew up and left the household, so did James' father, a move that he always felt was related to the distance between them.  After that, James and his mother also had a distance between them until now they barely speak.

Now James is an adult and about toe be a published author, the book a story of his upbringing and an attempt to understand his mother.  To his shock, his book is assigned to Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis as his editor.  At first James is hesitant around her but as the weeks roll on, they develop a working relationship and even the beginning of a friendship.  She pushes him to change the ending of his novel and to do so he must explore what went wrong with his childhood and expose the secrets there.  Can he do it?

Steven Rowley has written other novels, among them the successful Guncle series.  He has won awards for humor but this book is more serious and is a beacon to those attempting to make sense of a childhood where they never seemed to fit into their family.  James has a steady love, Daniel, and Daniel provides a counterweight to James' angst as he seems very balanced.  But above all, it is an exploration of how we fit into our birth families and the relationships there.  This book is recommended for readers of literary fiction.  

Friday, October 4, 2024

Elektra by Jennifer Saint


Elektra is the daughter of King Agamemnon and Queen Clytemnestra.  When the king calls for all Greek men to come together to go rescue Helen from the man in Troy who kidnapped her, a thousand ships are needed to carry them all.  The war is expected to be short but ends up taking ten years.  Clytemnestra spends that decade plotting what she will do when the King returns as he performed an act of betrayal before he left.  It was an act that negates their marriage and her love for him.

When Agamemnon returns, the next act plays out.   Clytemnestra has spent her time with another man, Agamemnon's cousin, whose father he killed to gain the throne. He returns with Cassandra who knows the future but is cursed that no one believes her.   Now Clytemnestra takes her ultimate revenge and her children are placed at risk.   Her son is spirited away to safety while Elektra marries a commoner to escape the palace.

Jennifer Saint grew up interested in Greek mythology.  She was a teacher when she wrote her first novel Adriane which is the story of the Minotaur.  This was her second novel and since this, she has written several more novels all based in mythology and the stories many are familiar with.  In this one, she gives the reader insight into the House of Atreus and retells the story of the Trojan War.  Elektra is not a main character until part three when her story of her hatred for her mother and her adoration of her father is told.  I listened to this novel and the narrator did a great job, her accent adding to the reading.  This book is recommended for historical fiction readers and those interested in mythology.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Garden Of Evening Mists by Tan Twan Eng


Yun Ling Teoh has returned to the Highlands of Malaysia now that she has retired from her career as a judge.  She had come there after World War II where she had been taken prisoner along with her sister by the Japanese when they occupied her country.  The prison camp had been brutal and Yun was the only survivor.  Her sister had died along with the rest after having been made a comfort woman for the staff.

Yun wants to make a Japanese garden in honor of her sister but she knows she doesn't have the knowledge or skills.  In the Highlands, next to the tea plantation owned by family friends where she is staying, is a Japanese gardener who was gardener to the Japanese Emperor.  Yun tries to hire Aritomo but he says he only wants to work on his own garden.  He does agree to make her his apprentice.

Yun learns about garden design and other cultural rites that Aritomo teaches her.  When she leaves to take up her law career, she leaves with that knowledge and appreciation.  Now she is back and Aritomo has left her his house and gardens.  As she looks back, the secrets of those other times are slowly revealed.

Tan Twan Eng was born in Malaysia so this is a book of his country's history.  This book and others of his have been nominated for the Booker Prize.  It is a novel of war and hatred, of forgiveness both of others and of oneself, and an exploration of what our souls need in order to thrive.  The language is lush yet contained, setting the environments in which Yun found herself during different periods of her life.  This book is recommended for literary fiction readers.  

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Local Woman Missing by Mary Kubica


Eleven years ago, a peaceful community was rocked by a series of disappearances.  Shelby Tebow was a brand new mother, her baby only a few months old.  She went out for an evening run and didn't return.  Several weeks later, Meredith Dickey and her six year old daughter, Delilah, disappeared.  Meredith was a birth doula and Shelby had been one of her clients.  Were their disappearances linked somehow?

Shelby was later discovered half buried in a remote woodland location, her nude body bruised and battered.  Meredith was found later in a disreputable motel, her death ruled a suicide.  In the note she left, she told her husband not to look for Delilah because he would never find her.  Josh is left to raise their son, Leo, by himself, wondering forever what happened to Meredith to cause her to bring such horror into their family.  Shelby's husband, Jason, was convicted of her murder and is now in prison.

Then everything is brought back to light.  A teenage girl escaped from captors and identifies herself as Delilah.  That six year old girl is now seventeen.  She tells a tale of being kept in captivity, in a basement with no light ever and another captured child, Gus, her only company.  Somehow she finds a way to escape after all the years of captivity and is now home.  Can she supply the answers that have been left behind by the deaths of the two women?

Mary Kubica is known as a suspense writer.  She has written many bestsellers and this book sold over a million copies.  I read a ton of thrillers but this managed to surprise me.  As the secrets emerge with the return of Delilah, everything comes clear but with a shock to the reader.  The reader learns about the lives of the women who disappeared and the lives of those left behind like spouses, children and friends.  This book is recommended for mystery readers.  

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Color Storm by Damian Dibben


It is the early 1500's in Venice, Italy, the beginning of the Renaissance.  It is a great time to be an artist although with masters such as Titian, da Vinci Michelangelo, Bosch  and Raphael, it is a very competitive time.  Zorzo Barbarelli, 33, also known as Giorgione runs a studio but times are hard.  He needs more commissions and he hears about a huge one about to be given out.

A German banker, Alfred Fugger, rumored to be the richest man in Europe, has come to Venice with his beautiful wife, Sybille.  He is the one who will pay for the huge commission and he also own mines where artists' colors start as minerals.  It's rumored that he has a new mineral that creates a color never seen.  Zorzo hopes to be in the running for the commission or at least for a lesser one and he dreams of gaining the new color.

He meets Sybille and gets a commission to paint her portrait.  Soon he begins an affair with her although he knows that it will be certain death if Fugger discovers it.  Sybille fills his head with stories of Fugger's cruelty to her and soon a plot is hatched.  What will happen next?

Damien Dibble is a British author and screenwriter.  He is familiar with the artistic scene and the book is well researched.  The reader will find it interesting to read about all the great artists that were working at once and art studios are run.  The plot of Zorzo's romance provides the drama with all the art history in the background.  This book is recommended for literary fiction readers.