Monday, January 9, 2023

Text Me When You Get Home by Kayleen Schaefer


In this nonfiction book, Kayleen Schaefer gives an overview and exploration of female friendships.  She starts out with the female friendships we grew up seeing from our mothers and how such friendships were viewed, often as secondhand relationships that took away from family time.  She discusses the negative viewpoints of female friendships with the erroneous assumption that all female friendships are competitive.

The 'mean girls' world of middle and high school is discussed as is the competition about male attention and the assumptions about how women will always desert their female friends when they have a man in their lives.  Then the author discusses the strong female friendships that she and her friends are now experiencing and how more women are now single than in the past, which leads to more and stronger female friendships.  

This is an interesting reminder to readers of the strength and support that can be found in their female relationships.  It is also a reminder that for many women these are the strongest relationships in their lives, lasting through decades and outliving many romantic relationships.  For some readers, this will be a revelation, for others a confirmation of what they already know.  This book is recommended for women readers and those interested in nonfiction.

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