Greg and Tess MacAvoy are one of four prominent Nantucket couples who count each other as best friends. As pillars of their close-knit community, the MacAvoys, Kapenashes, Drakes, and Wheelers are important to their friends and neighbors, and especially to each other.
But just before the beginning of another idyllic summer, Greg and Tess are killed when their boat capsizes during an anniversary sail. As the warm weather approaches and the island mourns their loss, nothing can prepare the MacAvoy's closest friends for what will be revealed.
Once again, Hilderbrand masterfully weaves an intense tale of love and loyalty set against the backdrop of endless summer island life.
I enjoyed The Castaways quite a bit. It was the perfect summer read, although I found the premise that four couples who are in a group could commit the adultry that Hilderbrand had her characters commit, and still have their lives go on as before. Hilderbrand created believeable characters outside of this issue, and all of the plotlines were satisfactorily resolved. This book is recommended for those readers ready for a book that entertains.
This book is getting a lot of good buzz -- thanks for the review.
Great review! I really want to read this book.
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