Monday, March 3, 2025

White Dog Fell From The Sky by Eleanor Morse


Oscar Muthethe had planned to be a doctor and was in medical school in South Africa.  But when he witnessed a crime by the South African police, he knew his life was in danger and he fled to Botswana.  There he had nothing, but on his first day there, he ran into an old acquaintance from home and offered lodging.  He also found a dog who he claimed as his after naming him White Dog.

Oscar searched for work, asking at every house in the white area of the city.  Eventually, he finds work as a gardener at the home of Alice who followed her husband to Botswana and now works for a government agency.  Oscar and Alice form a friendship and she gives him money to send home for his remaining brothers and sisters.  But when Alice goes out of town on a work trip, disaster strikes.  The house where Oscar has been staying is raided as his acquaintance is believed to be in the revolutionaries fighting against the South African government.  The wife is killed and Oscar's belongings are left there.  When he tries to sneak back to get them, he is arrested and deported back to South Africa where he is imprisoned in a jail known for torture and murder.

When Alice returns, she does what she can to find Oscar and get him freed but she knows she has little chance of doing so.  She has her own troubles and is in the process of working those out as well.  What will happen to these two individuals who have formed such an unlikely friendship?

Eleanor Morse has lived in South Africa where she taught.  In this novel, she highlights how unstable life can be there, how everything can change in one day with a mine cave in or notice by the police and suspicion of crimes with torture until confessions are gained.  But it also offers hope in the finding of friendship, of love of children and in doing the work that makes life better for others.  This book is recommended for literary fiction and multicultural readers.  

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