Friday, December 15, 2023

Broken by Jenny Lawson

Jenny Lawson is known to thousands in the online world as The Bloggess.  She writes about her life and her struggles with mental health.  Lawson is one of the funniest women around.  Her book had me laughing out loud, trying to stifle my laughter so those around me wouldn't think I was nuts.  She writes about her family also.  Victor is her husband of several decades and they have a daughter.  

Lawson has serious struggles with mental illnesses and with various chronic immune diseases that sometimes have her in a wheelchair.  She falls into depressions and the medicines that save her life also have side effects.  She is willing to do whatever it takes to fight for her health and that is admirable.  She writes about what works for her and that is useful information for those who struggle with the same things.

But most people will remember the funniness.  One of the best was a recounting of dumb things people have said in conversation with strangers that make them want to fall through the earth and disappear.  Most can relate to this as they have done the same thing.  Another hilarious chapter was the one where she was trying to tell Victor why his shop vacuum was no longer useable or why there were tiny male genitalia all over her minivan that she needed his help removing.  

This was my first Jenny Lawson book and it left me with the feeling that I wanted to rush out and buy her entire backlist.  She is funny and engaging and an introvert that makes other introverts feel at home.  She is also honest about her illnesses and how she fights them everyday and that is an uplifting message for those in the same situation.  Readers will feel seen and it would be a rare person who couldn't relate to this book which is recommended for everyone struggling with illness and just everyday life.

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