Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Tooth And Claw by Jo Walton


When the ancient and powerful dragon Bon Agornin died, it caused many family complications.  His eldest daughter is married to a rich dragon and that dragon claimed rights to Bon's body he didn't have.  The other two girls in the family are of a marriageable age, but Bon left little fortune behind and it is unclear where the girls will end up.  There are also two sons.  One is a parson, dependant on his mentor's good will for his living and that of his family.  The other works in a civil service job and is trying to move up in society and make his fortune.

In the months following, complications arise.  The brother in civil service sues his rich brother-in-law, setting off that dragon's ill will and temper.  The girls have suitors but don't have the dowry that would allow them to marry.  There are lots of threads to follow as the family attempts to move forward.

Jo Walton is a fabulous science fiction writer.  This novel won the World Fantasy Award.  It is written in a style reminiscent of Victorian writers like the Bronte sisters and Jane Austen and the society of dragons it describes is much like that.  The role of society and where one fit into the ratings scale is paramount, except that these are dragons and might eat you at a moment's notice.  Similarly to those Victorian novels, in this one the threads are satisfactorily tied up in happy endings.  This book is recommended for fantasy readers.

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