Saturday, May 29, 2010

How To Save Your Own Life by Michael Gates Gill

At the age of fifty-seven, Michael Gill lost it all.  He had been born into a wealthy family, educated at Yale, a happy marriage with four children and a prestigious job at a top advertising agency.  Then the bottom fell out.  He was fired from his job.  His marriage fell apart, and he lost his house and his possessions.  He then found out he had a brain tumor.  Depressed and desperate, he started turning his life around when one day, in a leap of faith, he said "yes" to a job at his local Starbucks.  The story of how he regained his life was told in the bestseller, "How Starbucks Saved My Life."

As a follow-up, Gill has now written a book telling others how to reinvent their lives also.  The book is broken into fifteen life lessons.  These are items such as learn from your children, learn from your mother, learn from your father, etc.  They extol the virtue of slowing down and taking the time to experience the small things in life and learn to gain pleasure from them.  Gill feels that the simple life is the more desirable life, and that he is happier with nothing than when he was rich and powerful.  He now knows that family and relationships are the prime motivator of a happy life rather than money and possessions.

Readers who are looking for ways to change their lives will enjoy this book.  The chapters are short, and each illustrates a specific lesson with points from Gill's own life and experiences.  At the end of each chapter is a section on how to apply the lesson to the reader's own life.  This book is recommended for self-help and memoir readers.

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