Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Prior Violations And Brazen Violations by Jonathan Macpherson


These are the first two books of Jonathan Macpherson's series, Betts and Walker.  The first book is a novella and leads seamlessly into the second, Brazen Violations.  Mitch Walker is a man who hasn't found his path in life.   He is on the verge of criminal activity with a few toes over the line from time to time.  

Mitch's nephew, Peter, has leukemia, and his only hope is an expensive new drug that insurance won't cover yet.  Mitch's sister is a single mom and there is no way the two of them can find enough to buy the treatment.  Mitch makes a deal with the head of a criminal enterprise.  He will work for him and in return, he will get the drug his nephew needs.

Bett is the policeman who is seeking to take down the criminal enterprise.  He has Walker right in his sights and is forcing him to inform on the man who is going to save his nephew.  How will it all end?

This is a new author to me.  Macpherson is an Australian although the setting for these books are in Los Angeles.  The plot is fast and furious but the plotting is not intricate and involved which is my preference in mysteries.  These books are recommended for mystery fans who want a lot of action and a very fast pace.  

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