Sunday, February 2, 2025

Murder 2 by Colin Evans


This book is a compendium of articles written around the topic of  criminal forensics.  The author has chosen three topics; crimes in which forensics helped to solve the crime, early and outstanding people in the field of criminal forensics and lastly, explanations of the various techniques such as fingerprinting and DNA analysis.  He chose to mix all three of the categories and organized the book alphabetically which is a bit strange.

I found the cases most interesting.  There were cases I had heard of as I read a lot of true crime, but there were many many more that were new to me.  There were several that I wished to learn even more about and have noted down to research later.

Colin Evans developed an interest in criminal cases as a young man.  He spent hours researching various cases and to this point, has written seventeen books in the fields of true crime and forensic methods.  While I wished for more detail about many of the cases, overall, this was an astonishing collection of cases, people and methods.  This book is recommended for nonfiction and true crime readers.  

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