Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Door-To-Door Bookstore by Carsten Henn

Carl Kollhoft is a bookseller and he has always lived the life of the book.  He worked for years in his friend's bookstore and developed a routine that distinguished them from all others.  Every day he took a pile of books that had come in for their special customers.  He wrapped each one meticulously and then walked around the city, delivering books.  It was one of his main social outlets.  There was the wealthy man who lived alone and never left his house, a woman he suspected was being abused by her husband, another woman afraid of life, a former wrestler who after retirement is eager to read all the books he missed while performing.  Carl delivers to them all, talking about books and checking on them.

His life is changed as he gets older.  A young girl starts to walk with him on his deliveries.  She is full of life and ideas and Carl is entranced with her.  She doesn't have friends at school but she has Carl and his customers.  She lives with her father who is always working and doesn't have time for her. 

But things change.  The girl's father is incensed that Carl is spending so much time with his daughter and forbids her to go with Carl.  Carl's friend who owns the bookstore dies and his daughter takes over.  She resents Carl and starts easing him out and finally fires him.  What will Carl do with his life now?

Carsten Henn is a German author who has written several novels.  This one explores the relationship between readers and how an interest can change a life and form friendships.  None of the people in the book would have met or formed friendships without their common interest and Carl's desire to do everything the best that he can.  Carl doesn't realize how important he is to all these people until he has a crisis in his own life.  This book is recommended for literary fiction readers.  

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