Monday, January 13, 2025

Devils Kill Devils by Johnny Compton


Sarita has a guardian angel.  She first realized this as a small child when she almost drowned at the beach and he appeared out of nowhere to save her, leaving when she was safe without a word.  He appeared again when she was older saving her once more, then again when she was in college, saving her from a wreck that killed her friends.  She has no idea why she has the man she calls Angelo but it makes her feel safe.

Then she meets Frank and marries him.  When a tragedy occurs, Sarita starts to find out who Angelo is and why he has been by her side.  A cult believes that she is the person they have worshipped for centuries, come to fulfill prophecy.  As they attempt to take her and as they take others around her, Sarita learns that she must save herself rather than waiting on Angelo to do everything.

Johnny Compton specializes in the horror genre, writing short stories and hosting a horror podcast.  This is his second novel with his first, Spite House, being nominated for the Bram Stoker Award.  While this book started out strong, it seemed to spin away from him about halfway through, getting more and more frantic.  Horror that creeps up on one is often most effective; this is 'in your face' terror.  Sarita changes from a scared child to someone who, by the end, realizes that only she can save herself and that family is more important than anything else.  She was the strongest character and readers will emphasize with her.  This book is recommended for horror readers.  

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