Sunday, October 29, 2023

Nightmares & Dreamscapes by Stephen King


In this anthology of twenty-one stories, Stephen King once again shows the world why he is considered the master of the horror genre.  Horrors revealed include a town where visitors are treated to the best rock show of their lives, only to find that they have signed up for a lifetime gig as an audience.  In another story, a finger emerges from the bathtub drain, scratching and scratching.

My favorite story wasn't a horror story at all.  The last story in the book was the retelling of the year that King's son, Owen who is now a novelist on his own, was on a Little League team that won the Maine championship title.  His love for his son, the game and his son's teammates and coaches shines through the description of several games that led to the title.  It gives a view into the everyday life of King as a father and family man.  

Fans of King's writing will enjoy these stories.  This book is recommended for horror fans.

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