Friday, April 5, 2019

Daisy In Chains by Sharon Bolton

Four women have been murdered.  All were young, all were lured away and all were women who were obese.  After an intensive investigation, a young, charismatic surgeon is arrested and convicted.  Hamish Wolfe had been known to date overweight women in college and some even hinted that he was in a club that made a practice of it in order to ridicule them.

Maggie Rose is a lawyer and true crime writer.  Her specialty is reversing the convictions of killers and she has had success with several men, now free through her work.  Hamish and the people who still support him contact her to work on his behalf but she is not convinced.  Does his story hold water?  Were the women really targeted due to their size?  The detective inspector who headed up the investigation is solidly against her taking on the case.  He seems to be attracted to her as does Hamish.  What will Maggie do?

I've only recently discovered Sharon Bolton and can only wonder how this marvelous suspense writer has escaped my notice for so long.  The twists and turns in this novel will definitely keep the reader busy and the pace is brisk, moving the story along.  There seems to be a real interest recently in examining whether murder convictions are solid with some infamous cases getting lots of press, and even a new television series about the premise.  This novel is an interesting take on that phenomena and is recommended for mystery readers.

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