Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Little Black Lies by Sharon Bolton

It was a shocking tragedy.  Two young boys, seven and five, were waiting in a car when somehow, they knocked it into gear and it went over the cliffs, taking them to their death.  It's the kind of thing you never get over.

Catrin Quinn has never gotten over it.  Three years ago, those were her sons and their deaths took her life along with it.  Afterward, everything else went.  Her marriage was one of the casualties as you can't be married to a ghost.  She was pregnant and her child was stillborn from the shock.  Her best friend was no help; she was in charge of the children and let them be killed during her inattention.

Although three years are past, it is like yesterday for Catrin.  She spends her days and nights plotting how she can ruin Rachel's life, her former best friend as she ruined Catrin's.  Now children are starting to disappear on the island where they live, boys who all look like Catrin's lost sons.  Soon the fingers of suspicions are pointing at her. 

This was a new author for me and I turned the last page with a raging desire to go out and buy everything she ever wrote.  Everything was perfect about this book.  The tension was indescribable and I'd have to put the book down occasionally and come back to my humdrum life for a few minutes.  It was set in a place I didn't know much about, the Falkland Islands, and I enjoyed getting to know more about this locale.  The characters were finely drawn and I felt as if I knew them all.  This book is recommended for mystery readers.

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